Friday, April 25, 2014

Five for Friday 4-25

We had a great week!  Check it out!


The kiddos practiced with their poem about a baby chick. At this literacy center, the kids have to read the poem to themselves, read it too buddy, listen to a buddy, a illustrate it and put it in their poetry folder.  This is a routine that is started at the beginning of the year and they catch on very quickly for a very reliable center each week.

At this station the kids did a great job finishing the sentence. They were able to recall information from the book and lessons to complete the sentence.   I love seeing their ideas and they love rereading these books after I bind them. 

Here is one of my guided reading groups at my table during small group.  They have really become some great readers!!

My kiddos loved this lesson my student teacher did with the class. They were very engaged and focused on what she was modeling - a subtraction lesson. She is doing a really nice job with teaching this group!

Here is the beginnings of our Mother's Day project. I will be back for Made it Monday with the final product but I'm super excited for how they are turning out so far. 

Now go check out what everyone else did this week!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five for Friday- Spring Break Edition

This week was spring break for me and the hubs!  It was a very nice (needed) break. While it was mostly relaxing, there was a project planned for each day. 

We made a parking spot so the truck doesn't have to park in the yard anymore. 

We built the little one a sand's huge!

We added stone boarders around the garden beds. 

And biggest if all...we painted our gianormous (yes I made that word) deck.  But it was well worth's beautiful!

Finally, I'm having a giveaway because my blog turned on the week!  Here's the post on it or click the picture.  

And here are some pictures from last week before we went in spring break!

I hope you had a good week too!  Have over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and link up or just check out everyone else's week!

Happy Weekend!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Blog is turning ONE! {HUGE GIVEAWAY}

graphics from and First Grade Fancy Graphics

It is really hard to believe I started this blogging journey 1 year ago and how successful it already is. I'm here to say thank you a million times and offer some great prizes!
So check out everything you could win and start entering!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you again for reading my blog and sharing your comments!  I can't wait to see where this next year will take me!!!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wordless Wednesday LINKY

Our system has adopted Wilson's Fundations to fidelity. Do you use it? Or what literacy program do you use?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Currently - the middle of APRIL!

I know I'm a little late on this, but like they say, better late than never!  So I'm linking up with Farley. 

I think my answers are pretty straight forward, but I'll share a little more.

Listening- I go to bed super ealy so I always watch the shows I like on demand later in the week. Tonight, I just happen to be watching Dancing with the Stars. 

Loving- It is always a great as a teacher to get snow days and I loved everyone that I got. But this spring weather is very enjoyable especially in the afternoons when my daughter can run out her energy...and the kids can get out for recess at school!

Thinking- I always make our lunches the night before but I am so incredibly exhausted from working out (more on this in   min) and working 5 day work weeks!  Hehe

Wanting - So before I got pregnant (4 years ago), I was working out to Jillian Michaels 39 Day Shred. It really got me toned and in shape. I decided to start again.  It is kicking my butt right now!!  This is only my first week and I'm just trying to make myself do it each day without cheating myself. 

Needing- we have been very busy with school, snow days and moving.  I need a week to just spend with the fam!  I'm really looking forward to it!

Lat Day- I'm not sure how many days until the last day but I do know that when we come back from spring break, we will only have 8 weeks left. 4 of those weeks are filled with state testing so it is really going to fly by!  I can't wait!  I will be at he beach for 2 weeks!!!

Ok, head over to see what everyone else is up to. 

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Wordless Wednesdays LINKY

Do you take random group pictures?

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blogiversary Giveaway and Student Teacher blog is turning one!  I have included the form below if you'd like to donate something to the giveaway.  I plan to get it all set up for next week.  

I had a student teacher start in my classroom last week so we have been busy showing her the ropes.  Here are some pictures so far!

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